Thursday, 16 January 2014

Post 1

Everywhere we go to we always feel a really deep sorrow in our innocent heart. This sorrow is the job of horrid people who children see them in their nightmares. The world is created for humans, animals and any other living organisms to live side by side in harmony. Horrid people like bullies make people's lives a living nightmare and this could be because there life is already a living nightmare. However the innocent and vulnerable children should get support from their courageous parents and loyal friends so they can fight off evil!

On the glorious globe, people always bring new, deadly, destructive innovation to the market like nuclear bombs. Why do people want to kill another human being from their own kind? Power! All of this mass murdering is over oil and power. So people kill each other to be in charge of another person. How stupid! All of the governments around the world have already got enough power; they should be thankful of the power they have received. America and other countries are trying to weaken Asia so they can capture their oil, but why would a human being risk his and others life just for some oil?

The only factor that we know that we should never stand down to evil; always fight off with a person in authority. However we should never physically hurt anyone because we are saints and we don't we have evil in our pure souls. There is a annoying tiny devil squabbling along to convince us to become evil, but never forget the earth is in need of pure hearted saints!

Will you fight off evil?

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